Client News: Interdynamics Inc hosts Mental Health Awareness Event

In honor of Mental Health Awareness month, MPR client, Joan Branch, CEO of Interdynamics, Inc, hosted the virtual event “Stamp out Stigma: Increasing Access to Care”.  The event took place on May 12 at 4 pm, ET and featured a meet and greet with the Honorable Calvin S. Hawkins, Chair of the Prince George’s County Council.

Joan, a Howard University alumna received a Master’s Degree in School Psychology from the School of Education. Since then, Joan has become the founder and CEO of Interdynamics, Inc, a premiere Behavioral Health firm, that provides nationwide services through medical, behavioral and other allied health interventions to individuals and agencies at local and federal levels.  Interdynamics offers behavioral health evaluations, therapy, training, and consulting services to both individuals and organizations in the metropolitan area. 

 The event featured discussions about the various mental health care initiatives and resources available the importance of erasing the stigma surrounding mental illness.  Topics included getting assistance with managing self-care solutions in the wake of today's social landscape as a result of the COVID, health and economic crises as well as social, political and civil unrest.

Click here to review the recording of the event. Learn more about Interdynamics at